Support Farmers Market Fund

 Farmers Market Fund makes healthy, locally grown food accessible to underserved Oregonians by doubling SNAP benefits at 100+ farmers markets and farm stand throughout 75% of Oregon’s counties. We help families bring home more fruits and vegetables, give small farmers an economic boost, and keep more food dollars in our local economy.

FMF is recognized under section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code, and your contribution in support of the Farmers Market Fund is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A tax consultant can advise about ways of giving most advantageous to your financial situation. Our Federal Nonprofit ID Number is 45-3804465. 
To make a gift by credit card, please use the form below to process your gift securly. You may also mail a check payable to Farmers Market Fund to: 
Farmers Market Fund 
PO BOX 13391
Portland, OR 97213

Tax Deductible Donations

We invite you to make a tax-deductible contribution to Farmers Market Fund to support Double Up Food Bucks Oregon to help further our goal of ensuring access to fresh food for all our neighbors. 

You may also mail your tax-deductible donation to:

Farmers Market Fund 
PO BOX 13391
Portland, OR 97213

Give at Work

If your employer has a workplace giving campaign, Farmers Market Fund is eligible for your workplace gift and your employer’s matching contribution too. We are already accepted into campaigns at PGE and Kaiser Permanente NW.

Our nonprofit federal ID is 45-3804465. To contribute to Farmers Market Fund, just add this to your form and farm-fresh food will be on the plates of those in need before you know it.

Thank you for your generosity. Your donation helps support neighbors in need, small family farms, and our local economy.